Benefits of Yoga Nidra & iRest

Yoga Nidra is my favorite modality to use with my yoga therapy clients. I believe that everyone can benefit from this deep relaxation practice.

If you experience sleep disturbances, insomnia, anxiety, or any post-traumatic stress symptoms; Yoga Nidra can be an important part of your yoga therapy healing journey.


What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra is a Sanskrit term that translates to “yogic sleep”. It is a systematic form of guided meditation that promotes physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.  In this practice, you enter a state of profound relaxation while remaining aware and conscious. Many people experience an almost dream-like state where they waver between wakefulness and light sleep.


What is iRest?

iRest is a specific type of Yoga Nidra, developed by Richard Miller, PhD. He is a clinical psychologist, author, researcher, and yogic scholar. He founded the iRest Institute and is known for researching the benefits of Yoga Nidra and popularizing these practices for use in the military and in clinical settings.


How Yoga Nidra Will Benefit You:

Yoga Nidra helps with sleep and can relieve stress and anxiety. In my private practice, I’ve seen clients who struggled with insomnia for years, fall asleep in less than 5 minutes during a Yoga Nidra practice.

I use iRest dyads when I work 1:1 with clients. These are a great tool for self-inquiry (svādhyāya). This practice is used to teach students how to become aware of their emotions, memories, and thoughts in a supportive setting where they can process memories and emotions. This is beneficial and especially recommended for clients with anxiety or post-traumatic stress.

On a physical and tangible level, Yoga Nidra and iRest both have been found to reduce blood pressure, lower heart rate, and regulate breathing patterns. These factors contribute to activating the parasympathetic nervous system and nurture the health of your mind and body.

Yoga Nidra also has been linked with improved cognitive performance. As you learn to reduce anxiety and clear out worries or busy thoughts, then, you can focus and upgrade your perception and comprehension of the world around you.  


About Me

I studied Yoga Nidra with Nischala Joy Devi who studied under the direct guidance of Swami Satchidananda and other highly respected yoga masters in India. I studied iRest directly with Richard Miller who studied under T.K.V. Desikachar, Jean Klein and Stephen Chang. I utilize these practices in many yoga therapy sessions when it is valuable for the client.


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