Yoga for Beginners: Dispelling Limited Beliefs

“I’m not flexible enough to do yoga”

“I’m too old for that”

“I’m not into that woo-woo stuff”


These limiting beliefs hold back so many people from trying yoga and it breaks my heart!


After teaching to thousands of students I can confidently tell you that yoga is truly for everyone. You just need to have the right teacher and environment to learn in.


Many large group yoga classes are a one size fits all experience. When there are up to 40 people in a session it is impossible to know everyone’s needs and give them what is best for them. A teacher in a group class does their best to take care of everyone, but inevitably, some students will fall through the cracks.


In a 1-on-1 or small group setting it is possible to adapt class to each unique individual. That’s why I am a big believer in beginner yogi’s starting with private lessons before attending group sessions.


Too often, a person tries a public yoga class, has a bad experience with the teacher or the gym and then never returns! If this is you, please try again! Every teacher and/or studio is different so even if you don’t enjoy your first yoga class it doesn’t mean that yoga isn’t for you.


Starting your yoga journey with a private lesson can help you learn the basics and understand the different yoga offerings that exist out in the world so that when you join a gym or yoga studio you have a better idea about what you’re looking for.


Private lessons are a great place to learn how to modify for any injuries or health concerns you might have.


If you’re not yet flexible, your yoga teacher can show you ways to make yoga postures more comfortable using props or modified physical positions.


If you’ve never tried breathwork, a yoga therapist can teach you the basics so that you understand how to harness the power of your breath.

If you aren’t into “woo-woo” stuff, a good yoga teacher can help demystify the practice and show you how yoga, which is sometimes esoteric, can also be quite down to earth and tangible.


Do you have any questions about starting your yoga journey? Send them to me here and I’d love to support you as you figure out what elements of this practice can help enhance your life.


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